Well… What a trip. Dave Coleman started 14 days with solo shows with help from his wife Stephanie.
Then the band came down. So unfortunately, Paul Slivka broke his hand by being hit by a “hit and run” driver while bicycling. Anyone who knows Paul is aware that he is tough as nails. After a police report, an emergency room visit, struggles with the police dept. and a vigilant search for a license plate number, Paul is still positive and full of love. He will be facing surgery for three broken bones in his left hands. All who read this, send love and healing Paul’s way.
Dave and Dave worked through the week with the great help of Dan Hogberg and TJ Erhardt (the Nace Brothers). What great crowds. Germany, Scotland, Michiganders, both Carolinians, Buckeyes, Nashvillians, locals, Arkansas ER boys and more. Thanks for a wonderful band week and a great community at the Hogsbreath. Thanks to bartenders Bob, George, Allen, Corey, Stephanie, Dave, Julie, Brian, Gos-Paul, Mark, the bar-backs JP, Steven, Victor, the managers Andy, Andy, Danimal, and Art. The Coal Men love you all.