
Publicity Contact:

Mike Farley

Michael J. Media Group


Radio Contact:

Dave Coleman • (615) 228-3290 •

Band Contact:

The Coal Men

Dave Coleman • (615) 228-3290 •

Vaskaleedez Records –

8 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Are you guys playing anywhere in Nashville 1/19 – 1/21? We are a group of 42 visiting from Chicago (and more). We saw you at Hogs Breath a couple years ago and loved you guys.

  2. Your band is awesome at Hog’s Breath tonight (9/27/2016). Glad to see you will be returning in a few weeks.

  3. Been trying to find CD of “Nowhere’s Too Far” but nowhere to be found. Is it available anywhere, either physical media or digital download? (other than the outrageously priced few on Ebay)

  4. Please come back to Key West in January 19 – February 9, 2020. Would love to see you guys again!! You are awesome!!

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